Real hope for 600 million patients. 600 million lives.
Mitral insufficiency
A debilitating and potentially deadly pathology
Urinary incontinence
A taboo and limiting pathology, with few solutions available

M., a 65-year-old grandmother. Out of breath and exhausted by the smallest effort, she gradually limits all her activities until she has an operation to repair her valve. The procedure is long, as she needs open-heart surgery twice to adjust her device. A year later, she is operated on a third time, since regurgitation started again.

P., retired and athletic at 75 years old. His symptoms, minor and controlled for several years, become worse and require replacing his valve. Except that his health doesn’t allow for open-heart surgery. Over the months, he develops heart failure and is at risk of dying.

C., 62 years old and mother of two adult children, has suffered from urinary incontinence since giving birth. With age, it’s getting worse. Her daily and social life is very limited, as she cannot reconcile herself to the idea of having to wear incontinence pads. A hydraulic sphincter? Too invasive and traumatising – not for her!

X… 80 years old had prostate surgery several years ago, and since then he has been suffering from urinary leaks, depriving him of any social life. To relieve him, his urologist suggested a hydraulic sphincter, which required a long operation. The balloons are uncomfortable and he has to activate a pump located in his bursa to urinate. It is complicated, and restrictive. As a result, he has not returned to a normal life.
Innovative solutions that are minimally invasive, biomimetic and adjustable.
Whether it is the Kalios™ mitral annuloplasty device, the Epygon mitral valve or the Artus electronic sphincter, Affluent solutions have 3 advantages:
– They reduce the surgical procedure to a strict minimum.
– They are anatomically based and rely on the human body’s ability to restore critical functions.
– They adjust to the patient’s lifestyle as well as to the evolution of their disease.

Structural heart
Mitral valve repair

Structural heart
Mitral valve replacement

Urinary incontinence

160 million patients suffer from mitral insufficiency
of the global population
of people aged 75 years and older
patients with severe mitral regurgitation
with no treatment
of patients require repeat procedures

420 million patients suffer from urinary incontinence
of the global population
are women
>100 M
patients with a severe stage have no real solution
Presentation at LSI Europe ’24
Emerging MedTech Summit 2024 (Lisbon)
Sébastien Ladet, CEO
12 septembre 2024
Interview with Dr. Sarraf
Epygon: A unique device for mitral valve repair
12 septembre 2024
Interview with Michel Therin, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Sébastien Ladet, CEO, in the “Actu Bourse” issue on Boursorama